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Notice of race

1. Date and Location of the Regatta.

The regatta will take place from June 5th to June 9th, 2024, in the waters of the Baltic Sea. There will be one long race as part of the Gryf Pomorski Cup Regatta and additionally one short race for yachts participating in the Polish Two-Person Crew Sailing Championships (MŻMP DH). The short race (approximately 1 hour) will start on June 6, 2024, at 10:00 AM, and the main race will start on the same day at 12:00 PM near the entrance to the port of Swinoujscie. The regatta course for the main race is approximately 300 nautical miles. After the start, round the southern cardinal mark to starboard at position 55°14.147'N, 12°48.058', round the Christianso island archipelago to starboard, and return to the finish line located near the entrance to the port of Swinoujscie. Details of the course, start location, and finish location will be provided in the Sailing Instructions.


2. Organizer

The organizer of the regatta is the Zachodniopomorski Okręgowy Związek Żeglarski (Zachodniopomorski Regional Sailing Association), with its headquarters in Szczecin, at 19 Dworcowa Street.


3. Rules and Conditions of Participation

The regatta will be governed by: Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, Offshore Special Regulations with amendments, ORC Rules, IMS Rules, KWR Rules, MPZZM 1972 (COLREG), Rules for the Organization of Sailing Regattas PZŻ, Regulations of the Polish Sea Sailing Championships, Sailing Instructions, Regatta Notice, and Organizer's Communications. The regatta will have a PZŻ license.


Full-crewed yachts are allowed to participate in the regatta. A full crew is considered to be a crew consisting of at least two persons. Yachts participating in the regatta must be sea yachts with a length overall (LOA) between 25 and 59 feet. Equipment requirements for safety will be based on WS OSR Category 3 monohull with a life raft, and a detailed list of mandatory equipment will be published in a separate communication. All yachts may be subjected to inspection before the start to verify compliance with the minimum equipment requirements (checklist). If the minimum equipment requirements are not met, the yacht will not be allowed to participate in the regatta, and the entry fee will not be refunded. The ORC measurement certificate must be issued no later than June 3, 2023, and cannot be changed after that date until the end of the regatta.


For yachts participating in MŻMP DH, the starting list will be announced on May 29, 2024. Only two-person crew yachts with a valid ORC International measurement certificate issued no later than May 22, 2024, can start, and this certificate cannot be changed until the completion of the last race.


The yacht's captain, by participating in the regatta, declares that they are participating at their own risk and confirms that they, the crew, and the yacht are capable of offshore sailing. For safety reasons, yachts are required to use an AIS transmitter in visibility mode (transmitting) throughout the duration of the race.


4. Classification

4.1 Yachts will be classified into one of four groups:

Polish Two-Person Crew Sailing Championships (ORC International)

Gryf Pomorski Cup (ORC International + Club)



The preferred method for scoring in the ORC group will be PCS all purpose. The final decision on the scoring method will be announced in a communication before the start of the regatta.

4.2 Yachts in the KWR group will be classified only if they do not have a current ORC certificate.

4.3 Yachts in the Open group will be classified only if they do not have a current KWR certificate.

4.4 The Gryf Pomorski Cup will be awarded to the winning yacht classified in ORC.

4.5 Yachts in the MŻMP DH group will be classified if there are a minimum of 5 units, while in the other groups, there must be a minimum of 3 units.


5. Entry Fee

The entry fee for the regatta is PLN 400 per yacht plus PLN 120 per crew member. It should be paid to the ZOZŻ account - PEKAO SA 82124038131111000043756940, by May 15, 2024, with the title "Gryf Cup - yacht name." The entry fee is intended to cover organizational costs and is non-refundable in case of non-participation or withdrawal from the race. There is no possibility of transferring the entry fee to another yacht.


6. Tracking

Yachts participating in the regatta will be provided with tracking devices by the Organizer for recording the route - Tracking. Participants are obliged to download, place on the yacht, and use the tracking devices during the regatta as intended. By registering for the regatta, participants accept financial responsibility for any damage, loss, or failure to return the tracking device on time. The financial liability is PLN 2000 in case of damage or failure to return the device due to loss.


7. Registrations

Registrations will be accepted by email at gryf@zozz.org until May 15, 2024.

You should send:

- Registration form

- Copy of liability insurance

- Confirmation of the entry fee

- Amateur captain's license

Each participating yacht must have civil liability insurance for an amount not less than 1,500,000 EURO, covering the period of the regatta.


8. Regatta Schedule

June 5, 2024 (Wednesday) Swinoujscie 4:00 PM - arrival of participants, regatta registration, measurements, measurement certificate verification, skippers' briefing.

June 6, 2024 (Thursday) Swinoujscie 8:30 AM - regatta opening.

June 6, 2024 (Thursday) Swinoujscie 10:00 AM - start of the short race (approximately 1 hour).

June 6, 2024 (Thursday) Swinoujscie 12:00 PM - start of the main race (approx. 300Nm).

June 9, 2024 (Sunday) Swinoujscie 12:00 PM - finish line closing.

Autumn 2024 (exact date will be announced later): Official regatta closing ceremony.


9. Sailing Instructions

The Sailing Instructions will be available when registering yachts at the regatta office.


10. Awards

10.1 The prestigious historical Regatta Cup for the winner in the ORC group.

10.2 Medals for the winners of the Polish Two-Person Crew Sailing Championships.

10.3 Other trophies and awards, as announced by the Organizer's communication.


11. Disclaimer of Liability

No action or inaction by the organizers releases participants in the regatta from liability for any damage caused by the participants or their yacht. The captain is responsible for the yacht's equipment in accordance with the regulations and regatta requirements.


12. Right to Use Image, GDPR

By registering for the regatta, each participant agrees to the free use of their image by the organizers and sponsors of the event (in photos, videos, and other productions). Based on Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1–88), I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Zachodniopomorski Okręgowy Związek Żeglarski for the purposes related to the organization of the regatta.


13. Contact Persons

Grzegorz Dobies +48 695355225, gdobies@zozz.org